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13 years ago | 8522 Views

Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you and understand you do not have to be the best... Simply do your best... Why then do we worry and stress when opportunities present themselves. When the opportunity was presented for me to join the ONE and ONLY stress free visionsfm radio I found myself making every excuse in the book....All things work together for those who believe and are open to opportunities. What opportunities have come your have you reacted?            Be Blessed.  

Join Me every sat 4-6pm USA time 9-11 UK time for a Motivational Moment and music.


4 VisionsDoc


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myAfroTube 13 years
Motivational Moment? Doc tell us more please!
streetkids 13 years
How can I motivate kids on the streets Doc?
VisionsDoc 13 years
Somerset Maugham once wrote" It's a funny thing about life:when you refuse to accept Anything but the Very Best, you will often get it". Looking back at your life, have you accepted nothing but the best??? Opportunites are always there for you to take..if you change what you are looking at... To your Success VisionsDoc
myAfroTube 13 years
Yes I am Doc please keep them coming.
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