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Seven Success Tips

13 years ago | 4205 Views
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BOSTON - As I pondered on what to write this week, I realised how some several, good books I have been reading are laden with tips I can share with you entrepreneurs. The book I am currently reading is Jack Canfield’s The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be. The following are 7 Success Tips Jack shares in his book.

● Take 100% responsibility for your life. One of the pervasive beliefs in our culture today is that ‘you’ are entitled to a great, blissful and exciting life that someone somewhere is responsible for. But the real, ‘cruel’ truth is that the only person responsible for the quality of the life you live is YOU.

● Be clear why you are here. I believe each of us is born with a life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging and honoring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful people take. They take their time to understand what they are here to do and then pursue that with passion and enthusiasm......

click on  for all 7 Tips.

If you have not yet listened to me DrStem Mahlatini, here are my show times and days for your enjoyment. For more information visit our website at, where you can listen into the station or on your cell phone by down loading tunein and search for visionsfm. Sunday, "Asidumiseni, Ngatimurumbidzei, Let's Praise Him " from 4-7pmGMT; 11-2Eastern USA, Wednesday” Ladies Night”  9-12Eastern USA; 2am-5amGMT and Saturday The Motivational  Movement Show, 4-6Eastern USA, 9-11pmGMT. Come prepared to be motivated, encouraged and Inspired to Your Greatness.    Doc

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