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Roadside Assistance-Be careful how you live...

13 years ago | 4089 Views

Roadside Assistance

"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." ~ Ephesians 5:15-16

God has constructed life in a way that mandates that we have people to call and connect with when life puts us down. And because satan knows that God has assembled our lives to only work when we have the right people around us, ...he causes us to go to extremes in our need to be connected to people.

We either connect with the wrong people or we alienate ourselves and disconnect from everyone all together. In either case, it's dangerous and renders us ineffective to really get where we're going.

I hear many ministers and teachers of God's Word declare, "You don't need anybody else but Jesus." This is totally opposite to God's Word. We've got to fight to walk in obedience to God's instruction for accountability, quality relationships and progressive connections.

We must fight:

1. Independence – that is the idea of not needing anyone. The truth is we need somebody to help us get where God wants us to get in life.

2. Insignificance – that is the idea of minimizing our relationships. Every person that you are connected to impacts you in some way. You must also identify who you should be connected to.

3. Infatuation – that is the idea of over-emphasizing the need to have people at every corner of your life. Although you must have people in your life to uphold you, strengthen you and encourage you, there are certain areas of your life where God wants your undivided attention and the voice of others must become minor to God's voice.

4. Instability – that is the idea of inappropriately handling the people that God sends our way. Our own immaturity can significantly deter us from growing in the appropriate relationships.

If we don't fight the four I's, we will find ourselves on an island alone. This island will disconnect us from resources, relationships, realities and revelations that God has released for us. This is dangerous.

Dear Lord,

I am committed to traveling through life with the people that you have assigned for me to help and those to help me. Give me the discernment and wisdom to successfully manage every relationship. I invite you to develop my character to maintain these relationships. And now, I celebrate you for getting the glory in every connection that I have. In Jesus' Name.











Dont miss a very inspiring and motivating interview with Rabison Shumba author of The Greatness Manual, during the Motivational Movement today saturday 9-11 GMT 4-6 eastern standard. Listen in at

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