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Post Discussion: Managing Stress is not an easy task as it seems- How

13 years ago | 3681 Views

With Stress: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them." -  George Bernard Shaw


We realized after our discussions during the motivational movement today Saturday October 1, 2011 at that stress is an individual response to a given situation. It is how each individual will deal with situations they face in life, how long they stay in a sorrowful mood, an angry mood, a depressed mood, a blaming mood..all depends on each individual’s choice. Yes its our choice how we choose to deal with this ONE LIFE we have, only one life.

Stress  is not generated by the situation itself. Everyone is different - some people plunge straightaway into the raging tides of a raging ocean, while others keep contemplating anxiously whether or not to jump across or wait until the raging tides subside. We also talked about the fact that there will be some stress situations that you can handle with others and there are some that you will have to cope with on your own.

The key to coping with stress is minding what you say and what you think about the situations. Do we have moments where life itself is not worth living..Yes, Do we face losses in our lives that we don’t understand and we get angry with God..Yes. Do we face divorces, separations and lose it all ..Yes. Do we experience very personal losses of losing children before they are born, not even getting pregnant or losing a child ..YES. God never promised that it will be a smooth road with no trials and tribulations, he however promised us that if we choose to depend on him and trust his plan..he will relieve us of the stresses we carry within us on a daily basis.


Below are 80 ways to cope with stress, you may add more as you see fit. Remember some will work for you and some will not.


  1. Seek professional help (Yes talk to your elders or respected ones if there no professionals near you, your medical doctor can also be the best source.
  2. Change your diet
  3. Increase exercise
  4. Drink more water
  5. Learn to meditate
  6. Read a positive thinking book
  7. Start a new hobby
  8. See a psychologist
  9. See a psychiatrist
  10. Consult your doctor
  11. See a naturopath
  12. Try an alternative therapy
  13. See an acupuncturist
  14. Try light therapy
  15. Spend at least 10 minutes in the early morning or late afternoon sunshine
  16. Go for a walk
  17. Talk to your parents
  18. Talk to your friends
  19. Talk to work colleagues
  20. Do online course
  21. Find time for yourself
  22. Pamper yourself with a massage
  23. Learn positive affirmations
  24. Creative visualisations
  25. Do a positive thinking course or buy a book
  26. Concentrate on your breathing
  27. Stay calm
  28. Find a healthy way to release your energy
  29. Join a sporting team
  30. Join a church group
  31. Do some volunteer work
  32. Jjoin a book club
  33. Talk about your feelings
  34. Don’t be afraid of failure
  35. Practise managing your stress
  36. Learn ways to relax
  37. Spend quality time with your family
  38. Spend quality time with your friends
  39. Believe in yourself
  40. Give yourself another chance
  41. Learn to just stop
  42. Approach something new with a positive mind
  43. Reward yourself for your attempts
  44. Acknowledge the good in yourself
  45. Get organised
  46. Write to-do lists (achievable)
  47. Set yourself realistic goals and reward yourself when you reach them
  48. Cut back on alcohol
  49. Avoid too much coffee
  50. Avoid non prescription drugs
  51. Play with your kids
  52. Spend time with your partner
  53. Have more early nights
  54. Take the tv out of the bedroom or at least don’t have it on at bedtime
  55. Stay positive
  56. Stretch
  57. Learn about breathing techniques
  58. Try assertiveness training
  59. Try to stop negative thoughts
  60. Listen to your body
  61. Rehearse situations
  62. Learn to say no
  63. Accept other people’s failures
  64. Tell someone
  65. Ask for help
  66. Accept what you can’t change
  67. Get a pet (I remember we grew up with lots of dogs, now I understand)
  68. Write down how your feeling and then rip it up
  69. Learn from your mistakes
  70. Laugh like there is no tomorrow, laugh laugh
  71. Find the lesson in every situation
  72. Use the law of attraction-simply put “what you focus on is frustrations, these experiences will continue, whereas if you focus on what you want in life, you’ll draw these positive things in your life.
  73. I hope you dance, find music in everything, sing along and dance your worries away.
  74. Enroll in a course or join a group that you can use as a pillar of support
  75. Visit friends family and laugh your worries away
  76. Worry breeds more worry so find ways you can stop yourself from worrying
  77. Be still and know that God is a miracle God, he can heal all pains
  78. Remember if Jesus is in your vessel of troubles and worries he will calm your storm
  79. Bring yourself before the LORD, humble yourself and he will lift your stress, your pain
  80. Unogona nekuti mwari vanogona.You can overcome because God is an Able God
  81. Join me every Saturday for more topics at during our Motivational Movement Show at 9-11GMT 4-6 USA eastern timezone.                                                                                 VisionDoc Stem Mahlatini
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