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No Regrets Just Lessons

13 years ago | 3523 Views

Travel the road you have chosen and don't look back with regret. You have to take chances to create your ideal life...sometimes you win sometimes you lose..Life's circumstances are not always what you might wish them to be. Accept that there will be challenges to overcome and keep on living.

have you noticed how hard it is to take risks especially when you are trying to do something you have never done before, making decisions to change jobs, start a new career, break up with someone, confront someone...all these and more bring up the question of will I regret this decision later on in my life. There are no regrets only lesson. dont be one to look back at life and say I wish I could have...

when you look back remind yourself that it was only a lesson....not a failure, a disaster just a lesson.




Join me this saturday at 4-6pm eastern on at  during our Motivational Movement Show. 


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